Stria forming prevention cream and striae removal cream
Strije su poremećaji koji nastaju u koži gde dolazi do deformisanja kolagenskih vlakana u dubljem sloju kože. Strije mogu biti ružicaste, ljubičaste i crvene. To su mladje strije koje su posledica reorganizacije dubljeg kolagena i elastina.
Blede (bele) strije su stare pored navedenih pojava uključuje i atrofiju epiderma.
Ova anomalija podseća na ožiljke, a nastaju kao posledica naglog rasta, genetske predispozicije, naglog gubitka kilograma ili usled gojaznisti, tokom i pisle trudnoće, upotrebom steroida, nekih lekova, ali i kao posledica pojedinih organskih oboljenja. Najčesće se javljaju na butinama, zadnjici, stomaku, grudima i donjem delu ledja.
Directions during pregnancy
Every evening take a warm shower, wipe your body with a soft towel and massage Striet into the skin by rubbing it softly. By applying Striet, woman’s skin remains unchanged as if she hadn’t been pregnant. Only in special cases, it is possible to continue to use Striet for some time after delivery.Directions after pregnancy
For the women who didn’t use this creme treatment while they were pregnant, the directions are the same as in “During pregnancy” but in this case “Striet” should be massaged into the skin by intense pressure. The treatment is to be continued until striae completely disappear.
At room temperature protected from light.
200 ml